Lakewood High School Counseling Logo

Lakewood High School Counseling Department

  • The School Counseling Department at Lakewood High School is dedicated to supporting students as they navigate the many facets of high school life.  Our team of committed counselors assists students with short and long-range academic planning and encourage them to select a plan of coursework that will move them toward their goals.  Helping kids strive to build healthy relationships, counseling them to realize personal and social competencies, and modeling how to become responsible citizens, is the core of our work.  If you have any questions, please contact our office, we are ready to assist.   



  • There are no upcoming events to display.

  • Lakewood High School
    School Counseling Department
    7223 Velte Road
    Lake Odessa, Michigan 48849
    616.374.0140 Phone
    616.374.2221 Fax

    Karen Sage

    Email Link 

    Allison Wellman
    School Counselor
    Email Link


    Chelsea Keith
    School Counselor
    Email Link