2020 Logo


6th Grade Band

  • 6th Grade is the first year Lakewood Middle School students can enroll in the amazing Lakewood Band Program. This class is team-taught by Mrs. Mitchell and Mr. Noaeill to accommodate the typically large class size. Students spend the first half of the year reviewing all the aspects of reading music and spend plenty of time getting to know their instrument and how to create a quality sound.

    Students enrolled in 6th Grade Band have three public performances throughout the year, the Holiday Concert, the 6th Grade Solo Night, and the Spring Concert. 

    In addition to music literacy and performance, we strive to teach students all of the extra aspects that go into being a musician, a student, and even a human being. We work to guide their time-management, work ethic, character, and to build a family aspect within our program. The motto of Lakewood Bands starts with our youngest performers and that is, "Integrity. Community. Excellence"