- Lakewood Elementary
- Lakewood Teacher Homepage
Welcome to Mrs. Rapin's Lakewood Homepage!
My name is Mrs. Rapin and I teach first grade at Lakewood Elementary School. I have taught traditional first grade, traditional second grade, a split first/second grade, and as a multiage first/second grade teacher in my 20 years in Lakewood. I absolutely love first grade because I have the privilege of teaching students to read and master basic skills they will carry throughout their educational career and into their lives!
EPIC App is now FREE for all students!
The Epic company is now offering a free subscription for ALL students through the end of the year. The app will allow students to read books and have books read to them, there are thousands of copies of books in color in a wide variety of topics. I sent you an email from EPIC on March 15/16 that will have a code to get it for free for the remainder of the year.
Coronavirus Info & Handout for kids
This information is from Friday, March 13, 2020 from Mr. Fleenor. The handout attached to his letter is a very appropriate way to explain what is happening to young children.

Holly Rapin
First Grade, LES